Routing is the process of selecting best paths in a network.This capability is supported by a routing device called a router.There are many other details about routing such as algorithms and protocols used after configuration.
Worried about Big online corporations getting information about your browsing habits?Here is a video on Ted-talks about filter bubbles and how it can affect you.This brings the question, how does a user cover their online tracks, and hide information about their online history and habits.This could be through Browser add-on or software.I will therefore take you through the IT Techniques used by the software's and add-on.
Onion routing was originally developed by US Navy, its made up of projects researching,
designing, building, and analyzing anonymous communications
systems. The focus is on practical systems for low-latency Internet-based
connections that resist traffic analysis, eavesdropping, and other
attacks both by outsiders (e.g. Internet routers) and insiders (Onion
Routing servers themselves). Onion Routing prevents the transport
medium from knowing who is communicating with whom -- the network
knows only that communication is taking place. In addition, the
content of the communication is hidden from eavesdroppers up to the
point where the traffic leaves the OR network.(source)
Its generally free of charge to use, and runs on most operating systems.Onion Routing currently makes use of the Privoxy filter to reduce the
threat of identifying information from a client reaching a
server.The second generation Onion routing is called Tor,
Open-source tool, connection-based
low-latency anonymous communication system which addresses many flaws
in the original onion routing design.It can be downloaded here
Onion routing is like an advanced form of proxy routing. Instead of
routing through a single unprotected server, it uses a network of nodes
that constantly encrypt your data packets
at every step. Only at the end of this “chain” of onion nodes does your
data become decrypted and sent to the final destination. In fact, only
this “exit node” has the power to decrypt your message, so no other node
can even see what you’re sending.
Due to the multiple layers of
encryption, which not-so-coincidentally resemble the layers within an
onion, it’s extremely difficult to trace your information back to you as
the source when you use onion routing.
If you would like to know how to set up an anonymous website or server using tor read here as a computer user, you can be able to protect your browsing habits by doing this
Garlic routing: is a variant of Onion routing that encrypts multiple messages together to make it more difficult for attackers to perform traffic analysis. To protect the identity of the sender, messages are encrypted multiple times with the public keys
of selected nodes on the network. To be delivered the encrypted
packets must be received by routers selected by the sender, in the order
specified by the sender. Differently from Onion routing
an encrypted packet ("onion") can contain multiple packets ("cloves")
with different destinations, and the sender is not required to specify a
return path for the message.source
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